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  • Do Not Make These Mistakes On Your First Trip To Placencia Belize

    For many travelers, the mere mention of Belize is enough to transport their minds to the nation’s legendary beaches. But Belize is more than a long coastline facing a plethora of small islands. It’s an inland paradise, too—especially to those who find beach time less than exciting.

    In fact, attractions, sites, and experiences available to first-time Placencia visitors can be overwhelming—especially for tourists curious about why this former fishing village is known as “the island visitors can drive to”! How can you make a great vacation spectacular? Read the following list to prepare for an unforgettable trip.

    9 Mistakes First-Timers Make When Visiting Placencia Belize

    Mistake #1: Leaving historic Maya sites off your “must do” list because history bores you. Placencia is located near unforgettable ancient settlements like ATM cave, Xunantunich in San Ignacio and the iconic Tikal in neighboring Guatemala.

    Mistake #2: Filling your suitcase with too much stuff. Placencia is the unofficial casual clothing capital of Belize. Bring beach duds, lightweight shirts, shorts, and skirts. Even fancy eateries like the onsite gourmet restaurant at Laru Beya Resort have no dress code. Wear what you like.

    Mistake #3: Leaving your sunblock at home. Ouch! Even an aloe plant may not be able to help you if you wander off unprotected in the heat of the day because you’re so fixated with the natural wonders surrounding you.

    Placencia Belize Travel

    Mistake #4: Failing to take advantage of adventure tours. At Laru Beya, every attraction you crave is on the resort’s menu. Want to see Belize hot spots like Hopkins and Toledo District? Perhaps you long to scuba dive at Gladden Spit. The staff has you covered.

    Mistake #5: Avoiding amazing places like the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary because you’re afraid you’ll be lunch for the preserve’s jaguars, ocelots, margays, and other large cats. No worries. Laru Beya guides have your back.

    Mistake #6: Assuming that half of your vacation money will be spent on food. At Laru Beya, Belize all inclusive packages include meals and most include local adult beverages, so you enjoy evening cocktails without spending an extra penny.

    placencia belizeMistake #7: Studying Spanish before you come. Everyone speaks English in the nation once called British Honduras, so you can divert funds earmarked for an English/Spanish dictionary to the acquisition of an extra pair of flip-flops.

    Mistake #8: Leaving your bug repellent behind—especially if your Belize vacation is planned for after the month of April. Did you know that wearing light-colored clothing is a bug deterrent? Time to dig out your white duds!

    Mistake #9: Letting your friends scare you about safety in Central America. Placencia is an extremely safe location, but like every destination on the planet, showing off electronics and jewelry can make you a target. Not every tourist you run into will be as honest as the folks on the Laru Beya staff where guest safety is always mission #1!

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