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  • Plan your spring adventure in Belize with kids and teens

    They’re rambunctious, inquisitive and so energetic, the thought of planning a spring adventure with your youngsters at first seems an overwhelming, daunting task. But the idea isn’t as complicated as you imagine if you set your sights on Placencia Belize for your family’s spring adventure because everything about vacationing in this nation is aimed at kids of all ages.

    From restless toddlers to put-upon teens who have mastered the art of eye-rolling, your kids will fall in love from the moment you arrive at Belize’s airport, a journey that takes so little time, your children will barely get through the stash of comic books you brought along for the ride.

    Does destination matter when going to Belize with kids?

    You bet! When parents aren’t spending a fortune on accommodations, meals, and extras, they can relax into vacation mode fast. Belize has become the holiday mecca for families for this explicit reason: Not only is Placencia Belize in close proximity to the U.S. and where everyone speaks English, but affordability is prioritized because everyone within the tourism industry wants families to become acquainted with Belize.

    Finding the ideal property for your spring break in Belize stay is even easier: Laru Beya Resort is not just kid-friendly but parent-budget friendly, too. Located on the nation’s most popular finger of land – the Placencia peninsula – this remarkable area is not just home to Laru Beya but to all of the tourist attractions families want to visit most.

    Hang out on either side of this 16-mile-long parcel of land to experience the differences in beaches, swimming, and other recreational fun unique to either the Caribbean Seaside or the lagoon that’s more tranquil and home to gentle manatees. Bet your fill of family-friendly excitement on either coast.

    What to do during your stay? Everything

    Pool at Laru Beya

    If you’ve done your homework, you already know that the entirety of Belize takes up less than 9,000 square miles (about the size of Vermont), so getting to every amazing site for which the country is known is a breeze. Here’s a list of adventures Laru Beya staff recommends for families and you can count on them to make every arrangement necessary to show you all a good time:

    -Kids love caves! Arrange with your Laru Beya host to visit at least one of them.
    -Exploring rainforests is another amazing adventure.
    -Pint-sized risk-takers won’t blink an eye if you suggest zip-lining or waterfall repelling.
    -Give kids a short lesson on Maya rituals and ceremonies and you won’t have to beg them to explore ruins.
    -Children love beaches for myriad reasons. For some, trying a kayak strikes a chord. Teens? Most likely their focus is on developing an enviable suntan.
    -Introduce your youngsters to diving, snorkeling, or fishing so they understand why you have a passion for these and other water sports.

    Make the journey easy on everyone by choosing an all inclusive package as a way to take care of all of your arrangements upfront. Belize calls and your kids want you to answer, moms and dads. This is one vacation you can’t afford to miss.

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