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  • Journey into the mystical, enigmatic and ancient depths of Belize with an expedition that will awaken your senses … cave tubing.

    When you turn on your miner’s headlamp and settle into your inner tube, you will float past ancient Maya artifacts. You’re not on the set of an Indiana Jones movie but living an authentic adventure that reveals a multitude of unique charms you’ll find only in Belize.

    Experience less of a float trip, more of an adventure. Cave tubing in Belize puts you on the lookout for crocodiles, iguanas and howler monkeys. You float past limestone and crystal formations where ancient Maya people once worshipped.

    Ask our resort manager about cave tubing tours in Belize. You’ll be one with nature and one with Belize.

    See also: How to Book the Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave from Placencia

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