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  • Belize is an incredibly bio-diverse country, and close to 600 avian species have been recorded in the country. The Audobon Society has an active presence in Belize, managing several nature preserves and protected areas where birds thrive.

    Approximately 20% of the bird species found in Belize are migratory species predominantly from North America that head south during the winter to reach the balmy clime of Belize. New species continue to be discovered in Belize, including recent confirmations of Canadian Geese, Spot-breasted Orioles, and Crested Caracaras. In some areas of Belize, it is possible for bird watchers to spot more than 100 different species in a single day.

    The Audobon Society of Belize has divided the country into seven Important Bird Areas: Blue Hole Natural Monument, Half Moon Caye Natural Monument, St. Herman’s Blue Hole National Park, Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, Victoria Peak Natural Monument, and Guanacaste National Park.

    The Audobon Society also conducts annual urban bird watches in municipal areas where avian species thrive, including Belize City, Dangriga, Punta Gorda, San Pedro, Corozal, and Orange Walk Town. Southern Belize, including both offshore nature reserves and mainland areas near Dangriga and Punta Gorda, are especially rich areas to spot bird species.

    Some of the most recognizable bird species in Belize include: toucans, king vultures, jabiru (storks), scarlet macaws, and harpy eagles. Belize is also home to a number of endangered bird species, including brown pelicans, oscellated turkeys, black rails, Great Curassows, Keel-billed Motmots, painted buntings, white-crowned pigeons, golden-winged warblers, and yellow-headed parrots.

    The birds of Belize consist of several different families, including tinnamidae (Tinamous), anatidae (waterfowl), cracidae (currasows), odontophoridae (quail), phasianidae (pheasants), podicipedidae (grebes), phoenicopteridae (flamingos), procellariidae (petrels), hydrobatidae (storm-petrels), phaethonidae (tropicbirds), ciconiidae (storks), fregatidae (frigatebirds), sulidae (boobies), phalacrocoracidae (cormorants), anhingidae (anhingas/snake birds), pelecanidae (pelicans), ardeidae (herons and egrets), threskionirthidae (spoonbills), cathartidae (vultures), pandionidae (ospreys), accipitridae (hawks and eagles), rallidae (rails), heliornithidae (finfoots), aramidae (limpkins), recurvirostridae (stilts), haematopodidae (oystercatchers), charadriidae (plovers), jacanidae (jacanas), scolopacidae (sandpipers), stercorariidae (jaegers), laridae (gulls), columbidae (pigeons/doves), and cuculidae (cuckoos).

    The national bird of Belize is the Keel Billed Toucan (ramphastos solfurantus) which is easily distinguished by its bright green bill and multicolored feathers.

    Laru Beya is a beach resort located on the Placencia Peninsula close to many of the top birding areas in the country. Laru Beya has amazing bird watching tours that allow visitors to see the beautiful avian species of Belize in their natural habitat.

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